ERCI/STARS Webinar | Simulation Suites Used in Rail Systems Design Activities

ERCI/STARS Webinar | Simulation Suites Used in Rail Systems Design Activities

In this ERCI/STARS webinar you will learn about simulation suites used in rail systems design activities.

22. February 2023
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
SIFER B2B Meetings 2023 - International Railway Brokerage Event

SIFER B2B Meetings 2023 - International Railway Brokerage Event

The Enterprise Europe Network North of France and the i-Trans competitiveness cluster organise a brokerage event in rail industry during the 13th edition of SIFER, France’s only international fair dedicated exclusively on the rail market.

29. March 2023 10:00 AM –
30. March 2023 1:00 PM
Lille Grand Palais | 1 Bd des Cités Unies | 59800 Lille & online
STARS project | 2nd "Hack&Match" Event

STARS Hack&Match Event #2 | Big data for railway processes, products & services

This is the second of totally five "Hack&Match" events of the EU project STARS (Strategic Alliances Boosting Railway SMEs). The “Hack & Match” events represent an integral part of the assistance process by the STARS project partners, as we plan to accompany the traditional SMEs to these events not just with ‘needs’ but with potential solutions. This will make both the Hackathon-part and the Matchmaking-part more specific and tailored.

25. January 2023 4:00 PM –
27. January 2023 6:00 PM
ERCI Webinar | Hyperfreight: a New Concept for Freight Transport

ERCI/STARS Webinar | Hyperfreight: A New Concept for Freight Transport

In this ERCI Webinar you will learn about a new concept for an innovative rail freight transport offer that is additional to the conventional one and is capable of dramatically affecting the modal split of freight transport in the European territory.

1. February 2023
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
ERCI/STARS Webinar | Additive Manufacturing Technologies

ERCI/STARS Webinar | Additive Manufacturing Technologies

In this ERCI Webinar you will learn about additive manufacturing technologies to be used in the railway sector to make the spare parts management more efficient.

18. January 2023
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
STARS Webinar | Battery Innovation Roadmap 2.0

STARS Webinar | Battery Innovation Roadmap 2.0

Learn about the innovation potential of the latest battery technologies and how batteries will contribute to the achievement of the EU's ambitious decarbonisation agenda.

15. November 2022
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
ERCI Webinar | Testing the Track with Modern Means

ERCI & STARS Webinar | Testing the Track with Modern Means

In this webinar you will learn about testing the track with modern means.

9. November 2022
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
STARS project | 1st "Hack&Match" Event

STARS project | "Hack&Match" Event #1

This is the first of totally five "Hack&Match" events of the EU project STARS (Strategic Alliances Boosting Railway SMEs). The “Hack & Match” events represent an integral part of the assistance process by the STARS project partners, as we plan to accompany the traditional SMEs to these events not just with ‘needs’ but with potential solutions. This will make both the Hackathon-part and the Matchmaking-part more specific and tailored.

28. October 2022 9:00 AM –
8. November 2022 6:00 PM
ERCI Webinar | Managing Railway Noise: Comprehensive Approaches

ERCI Webinar | Managing Railway Noise: Comprehensive Approaches

In this webinar you will learn about comprehensive approaches of managing railway noise – trackside and on-board trains.

26. October 2022
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
InnoTrans 2022 | Business SESSION: Additive Manufacturing in the Railway Sector

InnoTrans 2022 | Business SESSION: Alternative Propulsion Systems

CityCube, Hall B, Berlin-Brandenburg joint stand: The place for interaction with over 80 exhibitors from the German Capital Region, as well as with your partners Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Wirtschaftsförderung Land Brandenburg (WFBB), Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BPWT), European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI), and the Cluster Transport, Mobility, Logistics Berlin-Brandenburg. The popular frame programme InnoTrans Business Days with numerous technical presentations, panel discussions, networking meetings, and B2B matchmaking awaits you in our event areas.


22. September 2022
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Messe Berlin GmbH | Halle B, CityCube Berlin, Stand 215 | Messedamm 22 | 14055 Berlin